Star Map
Unlimited Cosmic Potential
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Unlimited Cosmic Potential
Last updated
The Ad Astrium Star Map is an awe-inspiring 3D depiction of the nearby cosmos, featuring cutting-edge technology and immersive interactivity. As a work in progress, it serves as an MVP and stepping stone towards our ultimate goal of Enter Ad Astrium, a fully-realized and marketable product for the general Web 2 audience. The fully realized Enter Ad Astrium will be much more than just a fun way to interact with your star NFT. It will be a full-fledged social platform where every star serves as a bio-link or social page, complete with unique and engaging features. Imagine having a customizable star profile, visible to the entire platform's community, with links to all of your other online presence. Not only that, but you'll be able to join or create social constellations, adding an exciting social element to the immersive and interactive experience. With these and other fun and unique features, Enter Ad Astrium will be a one-of-a-kind social platform, housed within a giant cosmic and interactive fishtank.
The Ad Astrium Star Map V1 is a basic yet fully functional interactive tech display, where each star is precisely aligned with its real-life counterpart. Users can interact with their stars via mouse and keyboard or touch on mobile, and enjoy features such as renaming their stars and creating custom dedications. Additionally, every star in the map has a profile showcasing its corresponding NFT art. This version serves as a demonstration of the team's potential with limited resources and as a proof-of-concept for the full capabilities of the map. The star map will be constantly updated with visual improvements and new functionalities, serving as the foundation for future advancements.
Future iterations of the Star Map (Pre-Web2) will prioritize the addition of social and promotional capabilities by transforming each Star Profile into a comprehensive biolink page. This will turn the map into a massive, interactive 3D representation of a portion of the internet. Meanwhile, the team will continue to enhance the product with fun, creative functionalities and visual improvements.
The Star Map is a visionary and constantly evolving aspect of our platform with boundless potential for growth and innovation. Its innovative features, such as Star Tethering that allows users to create star groups connected by beams of light to form constellations, and Tiles and Tile Mode that turn each star into a custom image display, give the Star Map the potential to become an art and social hub. The Star Profile will also be transformed into a comprehensive personal platform, displaying links of the owner's preference and functioning as a personalized social media profile. The user experience on the Star Map will continue to be enriched with the addition of new and exciting features and visual upgrades over time. To meet the demands of the web 2 audience, the Star Map may offer the option of featured stars or a subscription or one-time payment model for full access to its features. What truly sets the Star Map for limitless potential, however, is its scalability, purpose-built to accommodate an indefinite number of stars and provide ample opportunities for growth. Its ability to continuously expand its digital realm makes it a cutting-edge and dynamic platform, with unlimited potential for future developments.
Keyboard and Mouse Navigation Star Renaming Star Dedication Star Search Functions Star Assets to reflect NFT Art Clickable Stars with Popup Windows Wallet Connectivity Star Dashboard Calming Space Cruise Background Music
Tethers V1 (Personal constellations) Movement optimization Mobile optimization UI and UX improvements Star Personalization Star Profile share button Star Biolink Page (Personal social media links) More Background Music 3D Star Assets Visual Improvements
Star Message Boards Star Marketplace Star Biolink Page Star Map Tile Mode Star Groups/Colonies Planets Expansion and Scale